
‘Lost in Time’ solo show


The “Lost in Time” project tries to capture the essence of our uncertain and rapidly changing world. It’s a collection of paintings, photographs, and videos, each uniquely contributing to the narrative.


The videos show us a first-person perspective of constant movement through dense bushes, mirroring our journey through life’s uncertainties. The photographs capture foggy river mornings, presenting minimalist black-and-white landscapes that evoke a sense of solitude and introspection. The paintings, characterized by the extensive use of white paint reinforce the theme of uncertainty.


This project encourages viewers to reflect on their place in this uncertain world. It’s a mirror to our times, reflecting the feelings of confusion and anticipation that come with living in an era of rapid change. The use of fog as a recurring motif underscores the project’s central theme of uncertainty and the unknown. Moreover, the collection serves as a visual testament to the times we live in, and the heritage we received from the past generation. It makes “Lost in Time” a compelling exploration of the human experience in an unstable world.




A word from Curator:


“The personal project was prepared for six months and was expected to be presented in March in Kyiv and in May in Berlin, but the pandemic made its adjustments, and not surprisingly, it became even more relevant in the global lockdown. During the exhibition, we planned to discuss artistic reactions to the crisis in the framework of the international project “Transit Dialogue”, touching on the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Iron Curtain and the transit generation of countries with a common past.


My mission as a curator is to make every artistic statement an occasion for deep insights and to show its value for critical thinking and the development of emotional intelligence.


An unclear future, confusion, and a sense of uncertainty are the main messages of the project. Let everyone find themselves on the map of this world and empathize with it consciously.”


Lucy Nychai. Program Manager and Curator of the Nazar Voitovich Art Residence (NVAIR), Project Coordinator of the NGO Congress of Cultural Activists, Curator at-large Lite-Haus Gallery, Berlin.


Place: Ukrainian Youth Center, Kyiv, Ukraine.


The project is implemented in cooperation with the Congress of Cultural Activists, the Grand Narrative Institute, and the Transit Dialogue project. With the support of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation.


Project page
